“Snout Boops”: Developments in Neuralink’s Breakthrough Brain Technology




Next to Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and OpenAI, Elon Musk still manages to spend a part of his time working on his company Neuralink as well (The Joe Rogan Experience, 2020). Neuralink was founded by Musk in the summer of 2016, and focuses on developing ultra-high bandwith brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers (Neuralink, 2020). Quite a mouthful, right? So, what exactly does this entail?

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Next to Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and OpenAI, Elon Musk still manages to spend a part of his time working on his company Neuralink as well (The Joe Rogan Experience, 2020). Neuralink was founded by Musk in the summer of 2016, and focuses on developing ultra-high bandwith brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers (Neuralink, 2020). Quite a mouthful, right? So, what exactly does this entail?

Picture 1

The Link (Neuralink, 2020)

Neuralink is developing a brain machine interface (BMI) system, enabling a computer or other device to communicate directly to the brain. For example, once a Neuralink application would be available, the user would be able to control their iPhone just by thinking about it. The sky is the limit when considering ways in which this technology could be implemented. For now, the main focus is put on both helping people with paralysis and inventing new technologies that will expand human abilities (Neuralink, 2020). Another practical example of this would be the ability to cure blindness.

The most recent developments have been the unveiling of prototypes of the so-called Link, and the actual implanting of the device in live pig’s brains. The result can be seen in the following video, titled “Snout Boops”:

It becomes clear from the video that progress is being made in detecting when neurons are firing. However, what mainly shines through from the company’s latest update is Musk’s high-level view on Neuralink’s potential long-term implications. “On a species level, it’s important to figure out how we coexist with advanced AI, achieving some AI symbiosis, such that the future of the world is controlled by the combined will of the people of the earth”, he mentioned (Neuralink, 2020). While Musk’s big thinking is not everyone’s cup of tea, the future of Neuralink has great potential in becoming increasingly prevalent. Having the name “Elon Musk” attached to the phenomenon certainly helps in putting a metaphorical spotlight on the company (Crane, 2020).

How do you think a technology like Neuralink could be implemented? Do you agree with Musk’s long-term vision?


Crane, L. (2020). Elon Musk demonstrated a Neuralink brain implant in a live pig. Retrieved from: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2253274-elon-musk-demonstrated-a-neuralink-brain-implant-in-a-live-pig/

Musk, E., Rogan, J., (2020). Joe Rogan Experience #1470 – Elon Musk. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcYjXbSJBN8&t=2880s

Neuralink (2020).  About. Retrieved from: https://neuralink.com/about/

Neuralink (2020). Neuralink Progress Update, Summer 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVvmgjBL74w&feature=youtu.be

Neuralink (2020). Snout Boops. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSutodqCZ74&feature=youtu.be

Picture 1. Retrieved from: https://www.roadtovr.com/neuralink-brain-interface-limb-tracking-pigs/

Picture 2. Retrieved from: https://www.cnet.com/news/elon-musk-shows-neuralink-brain-implant-working-in-a-pig/


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5 thoughts on ““Snout Boops”: Developments in Neuralink’s Breakthrough Brain Technology”

  1. Hi Julie,

    First of all: I really love your title. It caught my eye instantly.

    I enjoyed reading your article with regards to Elon Musk’s latest surprise: the chip V0.9 made by Neuralink. Mister Musk keeps managing to surprise me, and I have to say that his Neuralink venture is one of his most noble ones in my eyes. The idea of being able to create a chip which allows patients suffering brain diseases or damaged nervous systems to regain control over their non-functioning body parts, truly amazes me.
    Of course this is still far from reality, but the prospect alone is enough to get me motivated. I actually checked their job vacancies while I am writing this: unfortunately they are mostly looking for Engineers at the moment… Who knows after we graduate.

    I saw you used the Joe Rogan podcast as a source. If you are interested in podcasts on this topic, I can highly recommend Lex Fridman’s podcast. He is an AI scientist at MIT, who often discusses similar technology topics.

    To further spread awareness among our fellow BIM-students, I have linked your article at the end of my own article. I hope you do not mind me doing this, as hopefully it allows interested readers to continue reading on this fascinating topic. Have a read if your interested: https://digitalstrategy.rsm.nl//2020/10/05/snout-boops-developments-in-neuralinks-breakthrough-brain-technology/

    1. Hi Tim,

      Thank you! Nice to see you’re intrigued by Gertrude as well. 🙂

      I completely agree, it is fascinating to see how Musk manages to always push for new potential. Like you said, it will still take time, but the fact that there is even the slightest progress in this direction is very inspiring to me. Indeed, who knows once this potentially becomes a commodity (very overwhelming to think about in my opinion haha).

      It’s an honour to be linked at the end of your article and I really enjoyed reading yours as well – thanks!



  2. Hi Julie,

    I find this an awesome topic that you discussing! It is amazing to see how Elon Musk is developing technologies that tap into different aspects of our lives. But with Neuralink he I think he is developing one of the most breakthrough technologies of this century. I like that you mention how the current focus of Neuralink is to help humans and expand our human abilities. In particular, this technology radically change the way we communicate. For instance, it is often difficult for humans to turn their thoughts and opinions into words. In the podcast with Joe Rogan, Elon Musk explains how a future chip of Neuralink could help people to communicate with each other without having to speak. This would mean that thoughts and opinions would be ‘exchanged’ between brains through the chips. Personally, I do not know if I would like this. But this would definitely be an interesting technology to help humans communicate more effectively and efficiently.

    I like the big picture, but I am very far from being a neuroscientist. As much as I get excited from Elon Musk’s new project, I think it is also important to remain skeptical. I think it is very difficult to judge if Neuralink will actually be able to develop the technologies that he describes. And even if they would, who knows how long it will take. Time will tell!

  3. Thanks for your post Julie! While the idea to control the input directly via your brain sounds amazing, I personally need to see a lot more advancement of the technology in order to be convinced. The Snout boops video shows that the technology is still in its infancy. I have always felt like our current methods of inserting inputs in computers have been limited. If neuralink is actually able to enhance the way we can interact with computers and enter inputs more efficiently, accurately and faster, it would be a huge technical leap forward.

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