The new technology for social media




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Recently I found a video about a new technology Google is working on. It’s a pair of glasses which can put on your own pair of glasses or just put them on your head without any. This project is still in the testing phase and is likely to come to the market late 2013. Project Glass (the name of the Google project) is a futuristic pair of glasses which projects an image directly on your retina. It replaces your smartphone and can be controlled directly by your voice or the movement of your head. These Google glasses can project anything what your smartphone can do. So every text message, incoming phone call or a reply or message from your Facebook page. You can easily reply by speaking to the glasses. So you don’t have to grab your phone or search for it and you can instantly reply. The business and social media perspective of these Google glasses is very promising. People can check in at companies very easily and search for nearby restaurants by telling the glasses to look for it. The Google glasses will automatically create a route towards the nearest restaurant or wherever you want to go to. On the other hand people can instantly share what they see this makes it more attractive to do so. A negative thing for companies is that Google announced that Project Glass will not have any advertisement in it so customers won’t be annoyed by constant spam(, 2012). People can still make advertisement for companies by the use of word-of-mouth advertisement. They can access the companies Facebook page or tweet about the company directly using the Google glasses. As mentioned in this weeks article, word-of-mouth advertisement has a bigger long-term effect then traditional advertisement (Tursov et all., 2009). So big companies might want to look into this technology how to use it properly for a business perspective.

Some people are very skeptical about the Google glasses because of the way they look. They look very futuristic and not fashionable at all. But it might be able to style the glasses is the future and further on in the future they will be smaller so they won’t be noticable. The picture below this paragraph shows the Google glasses with and without regular glasses. What do you think about the look of the glasses?

Project Glass with regular glasses
Project Glass
Source: ,2012

In the first line of this blog I was talking about a video I saw which showed how Project Glass will work when it is finished. Personally I think it is really cool an has a lot of capabilities. It will be easier to connect with other people and provide you additional services in the cities you don’t know like GPS maps in your eye. Other businesses besides Google can really make some profit out of this project if they are using the power of the word-of mouth through social media. On the consumer side it will be the very next thing when it comes to future technology. So I think there will be a lot of people wanting to try this product out. I will post the video of the Project Glass video below this paragraph. It is really cool so check it out. If you find it interesing you might also want to read this article. It is very interesting and tells you a little bit more about this product and services it can provide in the future using the social media.

Now you know what the Google Glasses are capable of, do you want to buy them? And do you also think this product will have a big influence on the social media usage in the future?
Share your thoughts,
Tim, 17-09-12
Trusov M., Bucklin R. E., Pauwels K. (2009) Journal of Marketing, Vol:73 Issue:5 pp.90-102

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1 thought on “The new technology for social media”

  1. This was my reaction when I read this topic for the first time

    The Idea is great, it might actually be their gateway to making google+ more successful. If these elements are integrated in our life’s and we’re forced to use the other components (google+) that come with it, I am sure google will prosper. Wikipedia, Google (search), Skype etc all became succesful, because they we use them on a daily basis.

    I think the Google glass has a lot of potential, I just hope they can improve it before other companies develop a product similar.

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