Suicide of Amanda Todd




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Hi Everyone,

A few days ago, Amanda Todd, a 15 year old teenager that was cyber-bullied, committed suicide. The whole story is really sad and moved me a lot, so thats why I’m posting this on the blog. Maybe some of you heard this already on the news; for the rest, google it and you can see that there is already a Wikipedia page of her.

Amanda Todd has been cyber bullied through the social media channel Facebook almost her entire life. It al began with video chatting on the internet and during these sessions she met new people. In one of these chats she flashed and she thought that was unharmless. Unfortunately from that day on, her life became as she said ‘hell’.

I cannot summarize (in words) her story of her life; I rather suggest you guys watch her youtube video. Amanda had posted this video “My story: Struggling, bullying, suicide, self harm.” a month ago and it was a sort of cry for help.

Reading about this made me realize that Social Media is really dangerous for (young) people. I didn’t realize that some people are having a really bad life because of this cyber-bullying. This thought and also the idea of stopping cyber-bullying is really hard, makes me feel sad.

What do you think?

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1 thought on “Suicide of Amanda Todd”

  1. I can sorta relate to this. Right before I went to college, my MSN account got hacked. Private pictures within my email were spread (not nudes), emails were sent to my friends that contained profanity and so on. This kept going on and at some point I would meet my friends from high school and they wouldn’t even believe me…. People that I have been with for six long years. I did not have the urge to commit suicide. I am strong than this. However I refused to use Facebook and such. I guess I just wanted to protect myself.

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