Discount based on your social influence




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Volga Verdi clothing have a really nice social media campaign. They give customers a discount based on their social reach; the more followers, friends or connections you have, the more discount you get. In other words, the more influential you are in your social media circles, the more you will save at Volga Verdi. I think this is an interesting campaign.



In the picture above is an example with Facebook. Facebook users get $5 discount if they have between 30 and 150 friends, $7 if they have between 150 and 1000 friends and $15 discount if they have 1000 friends or more. To get the discount, they must add Volga Verdi on Facebook, send them a prespecified message about the brand, and then email Volga Verdi to confirm they have taken part. This also applies for Twitter, Google+, tumblr. and more other social media platforms. You can check it out on

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