Become a Millionaire by predicting who will win the American presidential elections.




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Predicting the future by using the wisdom of the crowd. People have made real big money by doing this. In the YouTube video in the this post you can see how someone have made $100.00 by predicting that McCain will become the man for the republican party. She did this on a moment that everybody lost confidence in him. So the share cost her only $0.05. As we know McCain won and therefore she gained a $1 return for each share.
She also bet that he would win the presidential election which, as we now know, he did not…

However I believe it is fun to enroll in such betting. At this moment you can buy stock on Obama becoming reelected for about 6.5$. I believe he will so I can easily make a 55% profit!
The website to do this trading on would be: This website is hosted in Ireland, because the United states have strict rules about gambling.

So test your luck on!

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