The Smashbox Social Shop




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One of the platforms that came across for the topic of last week ‘Diffusion & Social Influence’ was a platform called SocialAmp. In this blogpost I’m going to elaborate about this platform.

This platform provides marketers and developers with the tools they need to create personalized, social experiences on their brand websites. Social Amp’s platform allows brands to build applications that customize features and services for individual users based on their distinct interests. The Social Amp platform allows any domain to leverage existing site users to build an instant viral community enriched by their users’ social graph connections.

For example this community seamlessly integrates with your Facebook page to amplify your overall social presence, while social graph information is used to create a personalized experience of a brand’s site for each user.  An increase in product page views, referral traffic from social networks, and social conversions that can be tracked via Social Amp’s dashboard is the result of using this application.

Smashbox Cosmetics, has partnered up with SocialAmp to develop a custom shopping experience based on the preferences of consumers and their friends. “We’ve really brought Facebook to,” says Beth DiNardo, General Manager of Smashbox Cosmetics. “As we move forward in an industry where social media is essential for growth, we are excited to be the first beauty brand to implement a comprehensive shopping experience driven by social popularity and consumers’ social connections.”

Want to know which lip gloss your friends love, or which eye shadow color is hot right now? Social Shop will show you the products trending among your own social circle, as well what’s most popular among the Smashbox community at large.

Using Facebook profile data, Facebook “Likes” and consumers’ “Wants,” Social Amp provides Smashbox shoppers with personalized recommendations based on their friends’ preferences, as well as their own. Social Amp’s platform and applications embed the social graph and users’ social connections directly into for brand-focused interaction.

Please check it out!




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