social network apps “Spooky Halloween Edition”




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Nowadays we have all kinds of apps make our lives easier. But since we are all doomed to die, some entrepreneurs exploited the social networks by their so-called “after-death” applications.

I will be introducing 2 applications/websites today, I hope you find them a bit spooky =)

First one is

Basically what this application does, it analyzes your previous tweet posts, and try to get a sense of what your next tweet will be about. I tried it a few times; it doesn’t seem to work brilliantly. But, the algorithms that can analyze tweets and tell us what they are about evolving as I am writing this blog post. Who knows what future will bring? Maybe we’ll have a built-in small window on our twitter pages that tells us a few things that we might say in our next tweet with 95% accuracy. That would definitely save us sometime, but… Wouldn’t it be scary?

The next application I’m going to talk about is if-i-die

You might have heard about this one but yet lets watch this small funny introduction video

It might be nice to see someone’s last thoughts but i think it might also create some drama or bigger problems between friends. (Not to forget, it would be a great way to prank others. Lets say one of your best friends is using this app and his trustees are two of your closest friends. You report back to the app saying that your friend died, and their farewell message is up. ) Lets hope this app won’t fail as hard as Facebook beacon did.

Some people say we will have holograms of our loved ones in our houses walking around and talking like as if they are not dead. Some people say your twitter and Facebook page might live long after your gone, and post things themselves as if they have their own minds. Some of these improvements in social media are really making me question about where all these are going.


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