Google’s Disavow Link Tool




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Almost every week there is news from or about Google. This month, Google launched a disavow link tool. It is a new tool webmasters can use to fight spam or to clean up after a bad SEO campaign. A SEO campaign stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. In short, it is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s natural or un-paid search results. Disavowing is the same as disclaiming, so you deny that the links is there.

The tool comes with a warning. (Quote:) Google’s head of webspam team, Matt Cutts, said that most webmasters will not have a use for the tool. For instance, if you run a Mom & Pop shop and do your own SEO, you may not need it, especially if you religiously follow Google’s webmaster guidelines. However, if you are a small business that hired an SEO firm to manage your search engine optimization and found out later that the SEO company used questionable tactics that you weren’t aware of and didn’t approve, then the Disavow Link Tool might be very important to you. (end quote)

It is important to remove bad inbound links to your website, before you use this tool. If you would like to know how it works, check the following site:

Most sites won’t have to use the tool, because they don’t have the wrong links. The primary purpose of this tool is to help clean up if you have hired a bad Search Engine Optimization or made mistakes in your own link-building. First contact the sites you know that are bad-linking. You should first ask them to delete the bad links from their site. By doing so, you are protecting your site’s image, because people will no longer find spam links and jump to conclusions about your website or business. If this doesn’t work, and you’re not able to get the bad backlinks down, you could/should use the Disavow Links tool.

In the following video, a man called Matt, explains the tool in a few minutes:


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