Web 3.0




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We were all talking about web 2.0 and stuff like that. That raised the question about what comes after web 2.0. So I started so search about web 3.0. 

First short about Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is not technology more advanced then web 1.0, but the way web builders build their websites and users uses the websites. Web 2.0 also allow users to interact and collaborate with each other, with social media. Examples of Web 2.0 are social networking sites, like twitter and Facebook, but also blogs, video sharing sites etc. 


Web 3.0

The definition of web 3.0 vary greatly. One belief is that the most important features are the semantic web (provides a common framework that allows date to be shared and reused across application). With semantic web their also comes personalization. With this last personalization, technology is being used to accommodate the differences between individuals. The internet will be more focused on the user and will show what the user wants it to show. Conrad Wolfram argued that Web 3.0 is where the computer is generating new information, rather than humans. 

And there are more: John Smart defines web 3.0 as the first-generation Metaverse, this is were the virtual and physical world will be mixed), that include 3D-simulations and things like the SIMS look-a-likes. 

The all agree: Web 3.0 will allow the user to sit back and let the internet do all of the work for them. 


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