Wrinkles on Facebook




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Seniors are a fast growing group on social networksites. Or, as the Washington Post put it: your Grandma is three times more likely to use a social networksite than three years ago. So chances are your grandparents are online, since they still want to be a part of your life.

Maybe they are laughing at the same stupid videos you just posted. Maybe they are making fun of you, while adjusting to the Dutch way of life. Posted a selfie yet eating ‘drop’ or ‘haring’?

A survey by Pew Research Center shows that that adoption rates for senior (65 and older) in the US using social networking sites have tripled in the last four years. Eight years ago just 8% of online adults said they used social networking sites.

The reasons for seniors to be on social networksites:
• stay in touch with the family, especially those far away
• check out the pictures of their grandchildren
• look up old friends
• connect with people who share similar hobbies


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