2 thoughts on “Social commerce works only in theory”

  1. I just want to make some comments to your article. I’m not sure if the social commerce as a part of e-commerce is the future but I believe that the whole concept of online shopping is future in any form.

    You mentioned that some consumers feel the need of “doing shopping” and we want this extra service. From my point of view this is starting to be less and less the case. The thing is that I hate physical shopping and I’m not super happy when I get misstreated as a part of this extra service. Lot more exaples could be found. But still maybe I’m just the guy who don’t like shopping in stores. That’s not a big deal. Maybe you are asking why I’m writing this reply?

    When I came to Holland and met new roomates there was this girl (she’s not living here anymore) and in here room I saw like 100 pairs of shoes. I was super shocked that someone can have so many shoes.

    I asked her you must really enjoy shopping right? :

    “Not really I bought all there shoes on the internet.”


    “Because I hate when the stores are crowded and everything is so slow and you know what these companies there provide this free return shipping if you don’t like the shoes and you can just order shoes in 5 minutes and bla bla…..”

    That was the very first moment I realized that there is something wrong with this concept of shopping in the stores.

  2. Michalmakos7 thank you for your comment on my blog.

    I wanted to start with saying that I totally agree with you that the concept of online shopping is the future and that there is nothing wrong with online shopping. The point I wanted to make in my blog is that I see a group of people, witch is getting bigger and bigger by the day, that will get fed up buying stuff online. In my blog I already gave 2 reasons for this concept and I can think of more reasons as well, such as: People go to physical shops to hangout with friends.

    And about your roommate, she didn’t go to physical shops because it was crowded and slow. This means she didn’t wanted to make an extra effort to get her stuff. But when she buys 100 pairs of shoes online and for example she returns 99 pairs, she still has to make the effort.

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