Looking for a celebrity to promote your business?




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The startup Adly connects advertisers with celebrities who are willing to post promotional messages on social network sites. An advertiser should firstly define their target audience and campaign objectives. There must be taken into account that Adly minimum campaign buy is at least 25.000 US dollar. Then Adly uses their ‘’proprietary matching program’’ to pair the advertiser up with a celebrity or social media influencer based on the priory determined campaign objectives and target audience. The selected celebrity/social media influencer  has the option to approve or reject the brand or ad copy.

Adly was founded in 2009 by Sean Rad and now a days its database consists of more than 50 agency teams who are representing approximately over 200 different brands. They know more than 2000 celebrities ranging from actors to musicians to athletes. A year ago, Watler Delph became the new CEO of Adly. He says that one of Adly’s biggest selling points is that advertisers not only get a lot of views, but ‘’by enlisting celebrity endorsers, they’re prompting lots of conversation and engagement, i.e. reach that’s ‘earned’ rather than paid for.’’

What do you think, is this going to be the end of billboards and TV commercials starring celebrities?

*Quote retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2013/04/24/celebrity-shilling-in-a-post-snooki-age-adly-walter-delph/

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