Homework 4: engaging customers and prosumers




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In my homework, I focused on engaging customers. I wrote about why is it important to engage with your customers. I think that you always have to start with why. The business world is shifting so rapidly that we have troubles to keep up with the latest changes. Concept of engaging customers can help you to find and build a base of loyal fans and supporters. It starts with publishing relevant and interesting content. Content is the king. This is one the most important thing in engaging customers in my opinion. In the end there is correlation between engaged audience and sales.


I also focused on measuring engagement. On one example from Taco Bell it is shown that rather than measuring how many you have in total it is actually better to measure quality of the conversations. How many people replies, shared etc. Social media should not be just a channel for pushing content, but rather a channel to have a dialogue with your customers.


I also used examples from company I like and admire. It is called Zappos, they are really famous for their customer centric culture. They have really satisfied customer and are using everything possible to make their customers happy. There are several crazy stories about Zappos and their customer service. You can call their helpline and ask for instance where you can buy pizza in your city after 10 pm. They should answer you.  I forgot to say that Zappos is US e-commerce company, selling mainly shoes.


To sum up this, I believe that to have engaged customers is very important and you should invest in your customer care department. Initially it may seem like a waste of money but I think this investment if done properly will pay off. 

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