Tourism and Social Media




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I know a lot of you guys come from outside the Netherlands and I know there must be a moment that you were on the internet looking for a good university or school and courses with nice subjects. You finally decided to choose the Social Media and Social Network course here at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

But I am actually wondering whether you used social media to get the information you would like to know about (maybe Europe), the Netherlands, Rotterdam, the university and even the course? And what social media did you use? Have you checked wikis or blogs?

I namely found an article about the role of social media in online travel search. The usage of social media is getting more important when people are travelling. E.g. in the Netherlands you see various sites on which you can see a lot of reviews from people who have been to that particular destination. The most popular site in the Netherlands is

This interesting article is a research about the search of holiday destinations on the internet. How much do we use Google, Wikipedia, review sites, virtual communities  when looking for an accommodation or destination? In 2010, 40% of the Social Media sites were virtual communities and 27% were review sites (like

If you like to know more about their findings, I would recommend you to read this article!

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