Homework Assignment ( Engaging Customers and Prosumers)




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The two examples that illustrated the topic are ‘the CLIO like Challenge’ and Anthon Berg’s ‘The Generous Store’. The first example ‘the CLIO like Challenge’ was a project carried by Renault in Netherlands, which basically is buying likes. This project was the first project a car was carried by the likes of Facebook. It was preceded through online and offline. Online likes showed the enthusiasm of the people, and people could watch what is going on offline. Offline, Renault constructed a heaver construction; one side there was Clio, and the other side was the box which people can put their likes in.

The second example is Anthon Berg’s Facebook marketing; ‘The Generous Store’, which promoted the following. ‘We built the world’s first chocolate store where you couldn’t pay with money… only with the promise of a good deed.’ The company built the ‘Generous Store’ and began to sell chocolate that costs generosity of the buyer. This costing system was done by sending the mission to the buyer’s friends through Facebook(posting the deed on the buyer’s wall and the receiver’s wall). And the buyers would keep the promise and post their generosity by taking a picture and etc on Anthon Berg’s Facebook wall. These pictures of their generosity triggered a chain reaction through Facebook and the image of Anthon Berg became the icon of warmhearted and generosity.

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