Classes on youtube




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The link shows a video of a teacher who uses youtube as a platform to put on explanations of for example difficult math sums. The teacher in the video has his own internet page for the videos. The video is in Dutch, but I will explain the principle of the new methode of education.

In this case the school is a secondary school. All the students use their laptopts during a class and they can find clear explanations of theories and sums on youtube or the personal internet page of the teacher. For instance, the teacher explains in his video how to use several counting methods for mathematics or how to correctly use the present simple for English. A big advantage of this methode is that teachers only have to explain the course materials once and can in class give the students more personal attention.

I think their must be one central youtube channel or any other internet page where teachers or even students can post videos of explanations of any kind of course related material. The channel can be central because secondary school students follow many equal courses. Of course their must be some kind of control over the youtube channel, so it wil be protected from spam etcetera.

One disadvantage of this lesson methode is I think, that students will be distracted and pay less attention when the teacher wants to explain someting in class (because of the use of laptops).

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