WhatsApp vs The Rest




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WhatsApp Messenger is a platform for instant messaging service for smartphones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video, and audio media messages. WhatsApp has over 250 million active users who make use of this application once a month. WhatsApp is also on top in the list for most downloads for a paid iPhone application. 

My question now is: Why you people think WhatsApp is so popular among us. Even when we have good alternatives like iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, Skype, ChatOn and many more.







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2 thoughts on “WhatsApp vs The Rest”

  1. WhatsApp has proven itself as a cheap (free if you’re not an iPhone user) way to send text messages. When you’ve an user base, people won’t easily leave that platform, until an influential person does. Take for example Google+. Although it’s new and fresh looking, it doesn’t hurt Facebook (yet). People are accustomed to Facebook and are not willing to change. Also, WhatsApp is cross-platform on all mobile devices, so you can talk with almost anyone. But, since WhatsApp is changing to a paid platform, Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts are great alternatives. Both are supported on all major mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), and both are accessible from the computer and/or tablet. That’s an unique selling point of both Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts in comparison to WhatsApp. Also, both have better servers to send and receive these messages, WhatsApp servers do have some problems at times.

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