Social media as a lie detector




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Nowadays  almost everyone makes use of social media. By social media we can think of Facebook, Twitter , MySpace, YouTube, Skype etc.. When it’s said that almost everyone uses this media we may also think of workers, students and even criminals.

Workers often call in sick when they actually aren’t even sick. This is very annoying for an employer because the less workers are active on work, the less productivity can be achieved. A few years ago it was very difficult for the employer to check whether their employee was really sick or if it was just a lie. Now this controlling has become as easy as a click. Workers ( who make normal use of social media) tend to post a lot on social media platforms. They post there whereabouts, what they planned on doing and even some pictures of what they are doing. Employers usually check their social media to control whether they were really sick when they called in sick. If an employer knows that a worker called in sick on Friday and later he/she sees a picture of the employee dancing at a party which was held on Friday, he/she will will have to take some actions against the lying employer.


The same thing happens with students. They claim to be sick and leave school that day but afterwards it is seen that they were just lying about sickness to do something more exciting.

In some countries it is allowed to use social media as evidence against criminals. Criminals also post their whereabouts, pictures or even normal status updates (accidentally leaving the Geo-tagging function on). Most of the time criminals lie about what they did on a certain day. The use of  social media thus makes  it is easy to know what a criminal did on a certain day. Cody Hall,18, was accused of knocking over and killing cyclist Diana Hersevoort, 58, in California, however, one of his tweets where he boasted of speeding and including messages like ‘come on a death ride with me’, were used against him and his charges were upgraded.

So making use of social media can make your almost perfectly planned lie a flop!


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1 thought on “Social media as a lie detector”

  1. First of all, thank you for your interesting post, however I’m still wondering about how many people are being effectively exposed? and how often does your supervisor check your social media? Will they check your social media during working hours or after working hours?
    Additionally, if you know that your supervisor is often checking your social media account it means that he/she does not trust you a lot which will cause possible problems in your working-relationships, furthermore I believe that users won’t post that often on their accounts anymore once they know that their supervisors are checking them and they will even try to change their privacy settings, so that their supervisors/government can’t see you public post anymore.. however i do believe that controlling someone’s social media account is a good way to see if someone is lying or not.

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