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Hey everyone,

Last week I read something on about the Dutch theatre duo Jurk! that has developed it’s own model on Facebook in the fight against illegal downloading.

Last Friday Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Dennis van de Ven launched their own application on Facebook that allows consumers to be able to get up to 60 percent discount on the download of the theatre show Glitterjurk  by informing their friends about their purchase.

With the application the theatremakers anticipate on the changing entertainment market, they state.  That market shows that cabaret and music DVDs hardly sell, while the number of (illegal) downloads and viewership on YouTube increases.

By applying a discount for downloaders who promote the product through Facebook, Jurk! hopes to have found a model that increases the legal downloads.

Dennis van de Ven : ”We don’t have to make a physical product anymore or to share with other parties . By building a download system that is linked to our own iDeal account, we are totally independent in offering our products. And promotion is done so by the buyers themselves.”

Jeroen van Koningsbrugge says 20 euros for a DVD is ”not of this time anymore.” Jeroen: ”Glitterjurk is already available by downloading for 1,49 euros, if you take the self- promotion for your own account.”

I think this model could actually work. I think it is a great way of engaging your fans in launching a product. What are your thoughts on this model?

link: (dutch)

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