Media manipulation




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Today we get our information from the internet, television, newspaper and other mediums. What we don’t know (actually we do know we just don’t do anything about it) is that the media manipulates us. Even little things are manipulated by the media. I don’t know if someone of you remembers the last World Cup Football when Germany got kicked out of the cup and the television showed us a German supporter crying. Later we found out the frame of a German supporter crying didn’t happened the same day, it was a frame that was cut and put into the match. This shows us what the media does with us.

I have another example for you. Just look at the picture at the bottom. This is a good demonstration how the media can change our perception. Imagine you work as an commander and you want to show your soldiers to be hard and not to show mercy in war. As commander you’re going to show the left picture. Now imagine you’re a recruiter for the army and you want to show good the army is. Now you are going to show the right picture. There you see how our perception is changed by the one and same picture.

With my blog I want everyone to be skeptical towards the media and not to believe everything the media tells us,Image

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