ReumaCoach: a new tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients




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Yesterday, i read about an interesting new online tool: The ReumaCoach.
This mobile App is designed for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. For patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis it is difficult to do everyday things, like brushing your teeth, turning the tap or tying shoelaces. That’s why MSD introduces the ReumaCoach App.
(MSD is one of the largest and most diverse pharmaceutical companies in the Netherlands; MSD contributes to a healthy world with innovative medicines and services (MSD).)

The ReumaCoach keeps up how the patient is feeling and it gives excercises for flexible joints, which are developed in collaboration with a specialized physiotherapist. It also reminds patients when to take their medication and when they have their appointment with the rheumatologist.
So, the ReumaCoach helpes running the patients’ day smoothly.

The ReumaCoach App consists off:
1. Timeline.
You can write down notes and questions you can ask your doctor later, and you get medication- and appointmentreminders.
2. How do you feel?
Here you can indicate how you feel every day and also tekst about the things that are important for you.
3, Medication.
Here you can keep track of the medications you use, all shown in a list. You also get an overview every day of which medications you must take.
4. Excercises.
Relevant motions for elbows, wrists, fingers and shoulders are given here, that help to make muscles and joints flexible.You can also indicate how you have experienced the excercises.
5. Agenda.
You can easily keep track of appointments that are important for your situation; for example docter visists. You can also set reminders for the things you have to do.
6. Reports.
In the reports you can see the progress of how you feel over the time. You can also send a report by email.

The ReumaCoach is available for Apple and Android, for free! It contains no adds and it is easy to use.

I think that the ReumaCoach is a very nice app.. Almost everyone is spending more time digital, than with papers. With the app Rheumatoid Arthritis patients can keep up everything regarding to their disease, all together in one App on their mobile. They can’t lose their agenda with doctor appointments, their notes about the excercises and medication or their medical diary now and they will always have it at their reach.. well.. unless they lose or forget their phones. What i want to say is, it is practical and (old?) people who don’t like using their phones too much can do it the old way.

The ReumaCoach App has things in common with for example Facebook; Facebook is rather made more for fun and socializing, than for a necessary goal. What i like is the fact that there has been thought about the people who are not well and about how to make their life easier with modern tools. About 420.000 people in the Netherlands have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so i think that a certain amount of people will benefit from this new app.

What do you guys think about a medical app like this one? Great invention, or not?

– De Telegraaf, (2013). App voor reumapatiënt. Available at:
– eHealth Nieuws, (2013). Mobiele App versoepelt het leven reumapatiënt. Available at:
– MSD B.V., (2013). ReumaCoach. Available at:
– ReumaCoach, (2013). Versoepel uw dag met de ReumaCoach. Available at:
– ReumaCoach Facebook, (2013). Info. Available at:

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2 thoughts on “ReumaCoach: a new tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients”

  1. Hi, nice blog! I think the last several years more and more medical apps were developed, which is great. I recently read this article mentioning 72% of the Dutch population has a smartphone nowadays. This means that a big part of those 420.000 Reuma patients is actually having a smartphone. So it’s great that this app can help the patients by sending them reminders, exercises and be some kind of agenda for them. If only this app helps them just a little, it is already a succes. I think more and more medical apps should be developed, and I actually think there will be more apps coming soon. The whole medical world should follow up on this technological era we are in today, because it can really have a positive influence on the patients. Just a simple app can help Reuma patients in their daily lifes, by helping them with just small things. So yes, this app is great!

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