Top 10 Social Media Management Applications




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We live in a world connecting by social networking sites, we are dazzled by the large variety of Internet browser tabs or windows. Consequently, many innovative applications (for both desktop and mobile) are created to help us manage the multiple platforms and selected networks.

The following ten apps are considered the Top 10 Social Media Management Applications. They all have quiet different features, layouts or degree of user-friendliness, so you can choose depending on their own situation.

1. HootSuite

HootSuite is arguably the most popular social media management app with a slew of options, settings and dynamic features to backup its reputation. You can monitor and post to several popular networks iWith a built-in custom analytics system, HootSuite also enable us to monitor selected keywords and conveniently schedule posts.

2. TweetDeck

TweetDeck is another popular web app for social media management. Instead of having to be operating within the Internet browser, TweetDeck can be installed as a separate program on your hard drive as a desktop application. For those who want the flexibility, apps for the iPhone, Android and Chrome browser are also available. With TweetDeck, you can watch your updates stream in real-time when you connect with Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.

3. Seesmic

Like TweetDeck, Seesmic has app integration for practically every major platform out there, both mobile and web-based. Streams from your networks can be processed and viewed in an interface that resembles typical email platforms. While Seesmic allows social media management for major sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, the application also offers more than 90 third party integration options including sites like Klout, Zendesk, Salesforce Chatter, Yammer and Stocktwits.

The next 7 are SocialOomph, CoTweet,, TwitterFeed, SpredFast, Buffer, SocialFlow respectively. (unfortunately, Xeeme, the one mentioned in the lecture is not includedL) you can check on for more details.I think it is smart and necessary for us especial those who have so many social network accounts to learn and master these tools, because its not only make our social life organized but also save us a lot of energy and time. 

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