Dog Jan de Hoop and Cat Grumpy popular on Facebook




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A few weeks ago I read an article about the fact that animals also become more popular on Social Media. The dog of Jan de Hoop and Cat Grumpy are the most popular pets with a social media account. Referring to a research of an online pet store of 700 people.

“Petworking” is hot. This trend is originated in the United States of America en Great Britain. It is about sharing nice videos and pictures on social media. The purpose is to achieve as much as possible followers. The most favorite is Cate Grumpy with almost 1.5 million likes on Facebook, a Wikipedia-page and millions views on YouTube. In the second place is the dog of Jan de Hoop. 18.000 followers on Twitter follow the daily life of Bob.

Top 5 famous animals:

1.    Grumpy Cat, 1.350.788 likes on Facebook 
2.    Bob de Boxer (dog of Jan de Hoop), 18.009 followers on Twitter
3.    Bo (dog of Obama’s), 4.811 likes on Facebook  an 3.398 followers op Twitter
4.    Boo (world famous Facebook dog), 7.448.198 likes
5.    Purrfect (cat of Ceelo Green) 55.406 followers on Twitter.

What do you think of this phenomenon? Do you follow an animal? Would you ever create an account for your own pet?



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