When Is the Best Time to Post on Facebook?




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Guys, I found an interesting article talk about the best time period to post on Facebook. Thanks to the spread of various mobile devices and applications, the schedule people check the Facebook is totally different from that in the past, both the duration and frequency increase dramatically. According to some studies and statistics, the author, Danielle, has summarized the good and bad time for a Facebook post:


√ Early morning

χ During work (9am – 5pm)

√ Between work and dinner

χ After dinner (TV time)

√ Bedtime

χ Weekends


But the bottom line is that the best time to post on Facebook is when your audience will see it. So it will differ from person to person to use the best time. There is one general rule: Always know your audience. Which means in order to have the most attention you have to figure out who they are, what their schedule for Facebook and choose the time when they are online to make your post.

And there are two steps you can use to see whether past posting times re working effectively by using Facebook Insights. First you go to export the “Post level data” from Facebook Insights for your preferred time period. And then open the Post level data in Excel within the “Lifetime Post Stories by action” tab and delete all columns except D, H, I, J, and K. then you can see the result.  

full articles: http://socialmediatoday.com/index.php?q=danielle-cormier/1510911/when-best-time-post-facebook

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1 thought on “When Is the Best Time to Post on Facebook?”

  1. It is unquestinable that the duration we spend on Facebook is different than the past. If I dont have internet connection, I feel very bad because of that I cannot check my facebook page. Did someone tag my photo, like my post, or type me on Facebook chat? I feel like somethings dont work correctly in my life. And I know that most of us share same feelings even my mom. She told me that “When I cannot connect to internet, I feel like incomplete”.

    So, I accept that there are better time to share something on Facebook, but I think this time table is blurring everyday. Before, I didnt chack my FB account during the class or on my Tv time, however now I do very common. I dont know if this situation continues same for most of us, but I see people checking their Fb and twitter accounts even when they are in class, at work, or spending time with their friends, families.

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