Social Platforms are collaborating with Fashion Brands




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Fashion Week used to be a super exclusive event reserved for the fashion elite. The public had to wait for the print publications before they could see the coverage, images and commentary related to the year’s premier fashion event. However, with the new breakthrough of digital age, everyone can access them through social media, such as instagram and pinterest. In fact, social media companies themselves are also attempting to capitalize on the event by launching programs to give users virtual backstage passes behind the scenes at New York Fashion Week.



Many artist, fashion blogger, even the designer of the brands are also using the platform to capture, share and inspire engagement with users during Fashion Week. Here’s a look at some of the top brands using Instagram during Fashion Week:

Rachel Zoe: As the style guru for celebrities and a woman running her own fashion brand, Rachel Zoe can be guaranteed to attend the who’s who of designers, and always snaps killer pics from the front row. The Zoe Report, on Rachel Zoe’s website, also used Instagram and other social platforms to promote a sweepstakes for last spring’s Fashion Week. The brand used Postano to aggregate, curate and display all of the social entries on a page on their website.

Nine West: The shoe brand is Instagramming away during Fashion Week, and is even aggregating, curating and displaying the best of the social activity. The social hub page, which is powered by Postano, displays some of the best Fashion Week shots.


The week before New York Fashion Week kicked off, Pinterest launched a Fashion Week hub , which featured boards from magazines, designers, beauty companies and models. The images are a combination of professional shots and behind-the-scenes snaps. The hub was designed to give audiences a well-curated and aggregated place on the site to find and re-pin images – expanding the viral reach and engagement with both media and brand content on the platform.



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1 thought on “Social Platforms are collaborating with Fashion Brands”

  1. I personally think this is a great idea! As not everyone can sit front row at fashion shows this is definitely good to spread the word (and collection). But is this consideres brand exposion where the brands have to pay for as well? Because since Instagram is free (for now) why would they work together with Postano and perhaps also pay them for their ”Social Hub”? Do you think the brands would not get as much exposure by using Instagram without Postano?

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