Tips for crowdfunding




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This week’s subject is about crowdfunding, so I searched the internet to find some tips about how u can raise the money you need to reach your goal. I combined several idea’s and summarized this.

Make sure you choose the best crowdfunding platform

This depends on several things. For instance the amount of money you want to raise or the kind of business or idea you want to fund. Kickstarter, for example, is a site that requires some creative idea’s while ProFounder is more for the traditional businesses.

Make clear what audience you are targeting

Of course you have to find out what people are the most attracted to your ideas, but you must also think of people who can help you raise more attention. So don’t just focus on the ones that are the most likely to give you the highest amount of money per person, but also attract people who pass on your idea’s and get their friends, family, etc. involved!

Make a plan

It sounds really simple, but don’t just post your idea on the web and wait what comes out of it. Before you share your idea’s you should already have thought about step two, three, four and maybe even more. Ask yourself the question what if my first attempt fails? Think about how frequently you going to promote your idea’s so that your promotions per week will be at a stable level, and also be prepared when your idea raises more money than expected.

Choose your ‘cash-goal’ wisely

Don’t overestimate the power of crowdfunding. It can only take you up to a certain amount of money. The average amount of money that was raised by crowdfunding was €10.000,- in the Netherlands. Some have raised up to €100.000,- , but this is very hard to achieve. So what you can do to raise more money is to break your projects in smaller pieces. This way you can raise money multiple times and even show progress from your previous projects (this motivates people to fund you again and might even attract more funders from it successes).

Get your funders a reward

This is the last tip, but certainly not the least. Get your funders a reward if your idea or business succeeds. Be creative and you will attract more people to fund your idea. An example can be that when someone donates you €10,- ,to help you finish your album, you can give them your album for free.

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1 thought on “Tips for crowdfunding”

  1. Since the economical crisis has hit the world, people definitely think twice about donating or giving money away for (random) projects from others. But then again, it is also harder to get a loan from the bank now a days because of all the credit checks etc. Do you think the reason behind the success of new crowdfunding websites is the economical crisis? If that would not have happened, would it also be possible for crowdfunding websites to be so popular?

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