Wikipedia will be stricter on faced accounts




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Last week we discussed Wikipedia. In this class we discussed inter alia the quality of this encyclopedia created by many authors. We also talked about anonymous and faked accounts of authors. This week I read an article of a stricter approach of Wikipedia to deal with faked accounts.

At this moment Wikipedia is investigate hundreds of accounts that would be used to change information unlawful. These accounts would be paid by companies to change information at their Wikipedia-page. People and companies who have a Wikipedia-page are not allowed to make changes at their own page. Changes or additions can only be made by experts or on the basis of a source.

The last time, people would be active on Wikipedia in commissioned by companies or organizations to promote these companies. This is in contrary with the policy of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia reports that there are hundreds of these types of accounts active on Wikipedia. Meanwhile, there are more than 250 accounts blocked. The open encyclopedia says the matter of this phenomenon is really high, because it might undermine the reliability of the products. The site asks companies that pay people, to make them to stop.

Wikipedia keeps a closer eye on unauthorized changes and additions. In the coming weeks they come up with the results of this approach.

According to a survey of early this year fewer people contribute to Wikipedia. Since 2007, approximately one third of the editors have stopped.

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