Crowdsourcing one last time.




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Last week we all had nice discussions about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.

We came to the conclusion that most people would give their money for a good cause (like Wikipedia or research that would help a developing country) but not for someone to do whatever he/she wants because they are likable or have many friends who voted for them.

There is really nothing THAT much more I can say about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding anymore on what it is and how it works as we discussed it in class, but I was wondering – was there a company that had to deal with it and they could really seem like the “good guys”, who really “seem” to do it all for you? It all depends, in the end – from Mr Koren we saw how even the good guys had  ‘deal under the table’ with the banks, with travel sites you have to choose the ones with an idea and so on. Was there a crowdsourcing company that just made it seem like everything was working for you and the big corporations gave something (of course with gaining something, otherwise I’d be talking about Neverland of some sort). And so, my dear readers, I FOUND something!

I present to you – AchieveMint –

The article explains what they do, who they work with, but basically you get money for every 1000 points of healthy or good activities – checked-in on Foursquare that you’re going to the beach – points, checked-in at a healthy food store – points, run 2.1km today – points, tweeted something about health – points, went to Church – points and so on. 82, 000 users so far (now maybe more) from the USA and growing.

Do you think there is such a thing as 100% “pure, good” crowdsourcing/funding platform? Everyone needs their gain to make it work, money doesn’t grow on trees, but I mean as clean as it gets.

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