Share your secret with anonymous social media, Whisper!




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Everyone has a secret to tell. But some people find it uncomfortable to share it with anyone else. Whisper is here to help you to share your deepest darkest secret by removing the user’s identity under normal circumstances.

Whisper is the iPhone and Android app where people anonymously post their secrets in the form of text superimposed on a picture. While you can like and comment on whispers, there are no profiles. This means, no one but you can track your activity.

“We’re living in a time when people learn about their friends based only upon what you want them to see,” Whisper CEO Michael Heyward says. “We wanted to create this place where people can share things about themselves from a different lens. Whisper’s the place you can be the captain of the football team, but also really like Glee.”

The awesome thing is that, when you open the app on the phone, you can post and see public messages, but any time you want to see an archive of your own activity, you have to enter a four-digit pin number. So even if your phone were to fall into the wrong hands (i.e. parents), the posts and messages would still be hidden from view.

Whisper currently has more than 4 million users — the average user opens the app eight times each day. In its 2 years history, the app has received 2.8 billion pageviews. Each day, hundreds of thousands of whispers are uploaded each day, which are filtered by a team of 70 full-time moderators located in Manila.

What do you think about this app? Do you want to try to share your secret on this app?




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