Air France’s version of United breaks guitars. Did something change?




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Today I read an article about Air France. A traveller, flying with Air France, posted a letter on twitter. 

It’s a letter with complaints about a flight that Air France should have operated from New York’s JFK international airport. But the flight got delayed, canceled and passengers were stranded on the airport, waiting for a next flight.

The way they were treated was ashamed, Jay Shah, the writer, said. 

The letter went viral on social media platforms, especially on twitter. It just happend days ago, years after the United Breaks Guitar case. Air France’s reaction was incorrect and too slow. Didn’t the aviation industry learn anything about the case in Chicago?

I think it’s even more weird that Air France didn’t react correct, because Air France is part of the Air France-KLM group. KLM is considered to be one of the best performing companies on social media. Why did the other side of the company not know how te handle in this case.

What do you think? Why didn’t they learn anything frow the past and is there a way in which airliners can reactie properly on this kinds of events?

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3 thoughts on “Air France’s version of United breaks guitars. Did something change?”

  1. I think the reason of this attitude of Air France is related to timing. We are aware of that United Breaks Guitars case had a great impact on people especially by using the social media. People began to action and they wanted to change something which is wrong, so they sang United Breaks Guitars song together passionately. The song was watched and shared million times. However, day to day people began to listen the song less and they forgot the case and turned their usual lives in time. If this French form of United Breaks Guitars case happened after a month later happening of United Breaks Guitars, action of people would increase. Thus, response of Air France would be completely different than today, it would have more careful about losing its customers and company prestige.

    I suppose that the company believe that United Breaks Guitars case had been forgotten, so today people are not sensitive about the issue; similarly they would forget the issue immediately. Thats the point, timing. People should stay always aware of these situations, in time they should not lose their attitude toward these companies, because one day they can be one of the travellers who experience these kind of problems.

  2. I think the reason of this attitude of Air France is related to timing. We are aware of that United Breaks Guitars case had a great impact on people especially by using the social media. People began to action and they wanted to change something which is wrong, so they sang United Breaks Guitars song together passionately. The song was watched and shared million times. However, day to day people began to listen the song less and they forgot the case and turned their usual lives in time. If this French form of United Breaks Guitars case happened after a month later happening of United Breaks Guitars, action of people would increase. Thus, response of Air France would be completely different than today, it would have more careful about losing its customers and company prestige.

    I suppose that the company believe that United Breaks Guitars case had been forgotten, so today people are not sensitive about the issue; similarly they would forget the issue immediately. Thats the point, timing. People should stay always aware of these situations, in time they should not lose their attitude toward these companies, because one day they can be one of the travellers who experience these kind of problems.

  3. First of all, I agree with the comment above about being time-related. This happens years after United Breaks Guitars, so it is definitely not on people’s mind anymore, hence, not on Air France’s either. Moreover, I think the best way to learn from a mistake is when you make it yourself. I am not saying that everyone should start making mistakes then, but in case it happens, they learn best from it if they experience it themselves. Same thing with people, usually when we see someone screw up, of course we would say: “I wouldn’t do that”, but in reality, especially after some years, it can happen, and we really don’t think back on the incident that happened years: one we were supposed to learn of. What I’m trying to say is that someone else’s mistake wouldn’t really make a difference in preventing us to make a mistake. Now, Air France can only learn from it, and improve themselves.

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