“Relaxing” post!




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In the end of our course I am not going to make your brain boil, some fun! I would like to use advice of majority professionals in SMM: to make a message or post interesting, it should be relatively short and include some graphics. Here we go!


Some facts about Social Media:

  • Only on Twitter it is possible to build map of users connections. Why? TO understand who to get to a person, using the shortest way
  • Only on Facebook it is possible to set an online shop with associated payment system and feature of direct video conversation with customers
  • Only on Google+ you may create events, where may be up to 10 participants and unlimited audience
  • Only on Twitter it is possible to get feedback from a lecturer online via translation of tweets with an event hashtag on a big TV or screen
  • Only on Facebook it is possible to have up to 6 people video chat
  • Only on Vkontakte you may find the largest (free) collection of music and videos. Search is possible through entering not just titles, singer names or whatever… but also preference search – “Show similar” and recommendations search
  • Only on YouTube you may create personal TV-channel, which broadcasts your performance online and then save it on a server
  • Only 5% of companies are satisfied with the quality of employees’ work on social media



Thank all of you, guys! I had a lot of fun and got some interesting aspects of business presence in Social Media and Networks. As I’m going to set my business this or next year, I’ll use a lot of it!

Ting Li! Thank you, of course! It is a good course and not easy to keep up with fast changing environment, however, you do. Thank you, again!

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