The State of Social Media Spam: Social Media Spam is on the Rise




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I recently came across a very interesting article on the state of social media spam today, and figured since we are in social media class, this would be highly relevant to share!

Social media spam (or “social spam”) has seen a 355% growth since the beginning of 2013, this includes social spam on a typical social media account. Spammers have turned to the fastest growing communications medium to circumvent traditional security infrastructures that were used to detect email spam.

As i learnt through this article, social media spam can significantly damage a brand and turn fans and followers away from you.

Social media spam and traditional spam that we receive in our emails can be differentiated in a variety of different ways. firstly, social media spam is one to many, whereas email spam is one-to-one. The issue revolving around this spam though is that many organisations lack tools to help defend themselves against these spam mails.

Social Spam Hurts Your Marketing ROI

For many companies, Return on Investment is something many thrive off. With social media spam, it doesn’t just cause a hassle to those who view it, but also has a highly negative impact on a companies ROI.

some examples of the various social media spam include: Text and link-based spam (the most o=popular), Like-jacking, social bots, fake accounts, and spammy apps are the most prevalent forms of distribution. The author noted that 5% of all social media apps are spammy, and 15% of all social spam contains a URL, often to other spammy content, pornography, or malware. Spammers are using these sophisticated techniques to co-opt your brand, your audience, and your social media marketing spent.

Do you feel social media spam is affecting businesses negatively?

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