Apples new attempt to run the world




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Apple introduced the new iPhone 6 and it comes along the possibility to pay with “Apple Pay”. You just put your finger on the fingerprint reader to pay. Although the idea of paying with a phone is nothing new, see for example Windows Phone or BlackBerry, Apple revolutionised the idea. Whereas other devices sill request codes in order to pay, with an iPhone you just need to put your finger on the fingerprint, and you´re done. So using this possibility is obviously timesaving. Apple claims that is it safe simply because a fingerprint is unique and no one else can fake it.

However, I still doubt that this method is safe. There were so many new inventions already, which claimed that they are safe and cannot be hacked but after a while exactly that happened; they got hacked. And I think although a fingerprint is unique, hackers nowadays are so smart they just need some time to figure out how to hack it without using your fingerprint. Besides, for me the idea of paying with my phone is odd probably because it is a new invention. And especially older generations, who still go to the bank itself to check their bank accounts, will not make use of this service; they are not even doing online-banking.

So let me know what you think. Would you use this opportunity? Do you have any concerns regarding privacy issues?


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2 thoughts on “Apples new attempt to run the world”

  1. I will definitely use Apple Pay for payments if it is possible in the Netherlands.
    For now, it seems like a safe, fast and nice way to pay.
    But! I hope there is a possibility to set a clock or something. Just like in the “sleep mode” in iOS you can just set a clock for example between 23:00 and 8:00 your phone is not giving notifications.
    Because the Apple Pay – payments are very easy by using your finger, it can be very tricky when you are at a party, or drinking in a cafe. I hope there is a possibility to block payments made after for example 22.00, so you can not make a payment when you are drunk!

  2. I would definitely use it if I had an iphone because it seems very convenient! I think regarding privacy, a normal code for a transaction is not safer than this. Everything can be hacked nowadays and if apple made the effort to finally develop such a system that works faster than the ‘code transactions’. Furthermore, you don’t have to bring your cards with you which is safer and I really like the feature that if you lose your phone the system can be deactivated in stead of cancelling all your cards! All in all, this system is fast, safe as possible and convenient.

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