Does Apple really need to be present in Social Media?




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Since Apple’s latest launch of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, there has probably been no single newspaper, magazine or TV news that would not mention Apple’s newest products. Apple as world’s most valuable company and second most valuable brand does not exist in Social Media. The company has no official profile of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Google or Pinterest. Yet, everyone talks about Apple! As we have already read in various course materials, businesses become more and more customer-centred and their interaction with cusotmers increases dramatically through Social Media (Li and Soonius, 2012). Therefore even Apple has finally decided to develop digital strategies. The company wishes to engage itself in discussions with customers through social networking sites. Moreover, it claims that traditional advertising is not as effective as it used to be. Currently, the main challenge for Apple is how to enter the world of Social Media and Social Media Advertising.

Do you also think that it is high time for Apple to enter the world of digital advertising and stay in direct contact with customers ? Is brand image and cusotmers’ reputation enough to achieve such great success? Has Social Media and Social Commerce really become such vital parts of business strategy that even Apple cannot avoid “being online”?


Is Apple Anti-Social?

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2 thoughts on “Does Apple really need to be present in Social Media?”

  1. I think that consumers wish for Apple to be more engaged in social media platforms with which they are familiar, because consumers nowadays are so used to get in contact with the company through networks like this. However I do believe that Apple should not engage in social media. They have survived, as a company, without social advertising. And besides, some people are so over the moon in love with Apple, that it does not matter for them whether the company will engage in social media or not, whatever the product is, they will buy it. A meme on 9gag has been made in order to show this: (

  2. Although Apple does not utilize its official account on Twitter @Apple, it does have an @AppleSupport account. I believe this is their way of still providing customer support on Twitter, while keeping their involvement around the brand minimal. Furthermore they have had a different strategy with Apple Music which has had accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook from the beginning of Apple Music on. Perhaps this is because they realized they could increase their reach and user base through social media, while the overall Apple brand image is already very well established.

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