The digital generation




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So today I found a very interesting video. I was going through our social media tool “BuzzSumo” when I found this. What is your opinion about it? Is there anyone who disagrees with these ‘wise’ words? I personally think that he nails it right on the spot. I mean, how much time do we normally spend on roaming the Internet with no clear or evident goal, as to what we’re going to be reading or watching? I see you. Besides the time we spend with our parents, work and school ofccc. I bet that I’m not the only one. Haha, hey.. don’t get me wrong. I do have a life you know. I guess it’s just an integral part of what we’ve grown accustomed to. The irony of it all is that I found this beautifully written piece of poetry with.. guess what? Surfing the Internet. Well, I’m glad I did. Your turn to pass it on now, off you go.

On a whole different side-note. If and if only you are able to get past the name of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi please proceed to watching the next video. He finished first place in the World Champion of Public Speaking in 2014. I love how he uses that rose as a metaphor for life. So deep. Dananjaya is a professional speaker , trainer and an HRD specialist working with some of Sri Lanka’s as well as Asia Pacific’s leading organisations in the fields of rapid competency development in adults and performance prediction. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Sri Lanka’s finest.

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