Crowdfunding to raise money for personal expenses




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Nowadays crowdfunding websites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter and Indiegogo are not only used to raise money for business related things, but also to crowdfund personal expenses. People ask the crowd for money to fund their honeymoons, field trips, education etc. There are several examples given within the article: Ms. Chan wants to attend circus school in Seattle. She went online asking strangers for money on GoFundMe, hoping to raise $3000.-. According to her there used to be a stigma against asking people for money, but this stigma is shrinking as crowd funding becomes commonplace. These days people embrace the technology and look to crowdfund everything from birthday parties to Italian getaways. Do you think this stigma is shrinking? And would you ever crowdfund the honeymoon of a stranger?

For me the answer to these questions is no, I think it is crazy to ask people for money to raise your personal expenses and I would never pay for a stranger’s honeymoon or birthday party. If they can’t pay it themselves they have to cancel it or find a (better) job.


All crowdfund websites differ from each other: Kickstarter has an “all-or-nothing” structure. If someone doesn’t meet his monetary goal, none of the moneys come through. There are guidelines on what types of projects qualify to start fundraising on the site. You are only able to fund money for finite works such as, film and books. While Indiegogo is more flexible, almost any legal activity can be funded. If I had to fund something I would rather look at kickstarter then on Indiegogo because of the strict guidelines on Kickstarter. Which website do you prefer?


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1 thought on “Crowdfunding to raise money for personal expenses”

  1. First, I will never crowdfund someone for his personal trouble if it is just for luxury things like a birthday party of a honeymoon. I agree what you said about it, they have to pay it their selves an if they aren’t able to, they have to cancel it.If there is a crowdfunding project for good purposes to help poor countries or areas which are in war for example, I would definitely consider it.

    Second, the website I would prefer is Indiegogo, because there are less rules. Kickstarter has this all or nothing structure and I think that this is not a structure I would support. If I would like to help someone for any project, my money will help them anyway. Whether they reach their target amount of money or not.

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