Has the future arrived?




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It seems that certain dreams are finally becoming a reality. Or at least, one-step closer. A Slovakian start-up company called “Aeromobil” promises to commercialize the first flying cars for consumers across the globe. What sprouted as an idea from researcher Stefan Klein, in formerly known Czechoslovakia during the 1990’s, has finally begun to take on serious forms. In co-operation with Slovakian aviation authorities the company expects to launch its first models for the public in the beginning of 2015.

Like a futuristic transformer, this high-tech piece of technology can transform from car to place with a simple touch of a button, in a bit less than 2 minutes. It can reach speeds of up to 160 km/h while driving on the road whereas in air a top speed of up to 200 km/h can be reached. Will this be the end of traffic jams? What makes it even greater is its ease of use; this hybrid runs on gasoline instead of kerosene, so owners can easily fill them up at regular gas stations.

Unfortunately, for now, a normal driver’s license isn’t enough to operate this type of bat mobile looking thing. A sport pilot license is required, which if you’re not careful will cost you over 10,000 euros alone. It consumes approximately 15 liters of fuel for a maximum flight time of an hour with a ballpark price tag 223,000 Euros for consumers.

With the use of YouTube the company has managed to accumulate over 2,500,000 million views with its latest promotional video of only 3,5 minutes. This has all happened in a time span of less than 5 days. Would you call this a successful marketing campaign so far? If this all sounds very interesting to you, please, proceed to the video underneath.

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