Who would you want to save?




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Nowadays, there are many social platforms for different purposes. For instance, Facebook to keep in touch with your friends, LinkedIn to find a job or employee and Dating websites to find a partner. In the future a new sort of platform will probably enter the internet.

ja-nee[Holland needs more donors. Would you like to be a donor? Yes. No.]

The new foundation “Donate and Transplanting” wants to create a special platform for donors where they can choose to whom they will donate their organs. They are already talking to different relevant organisations, including the Kidney Foundation to develop such a platform. This takes all place in the Netherlands, where 1200 people are on the waiting list for a new organ. In their opinion, by creating such a platform, they think it will partly solve the problem of the stagnant number of donors in the Netherlands. The number of new donors is declining each year, which is a big problem for the growing number of people in need of an organ. On this platform, healthy people and people in need of an organ can register in order to find an match.

This idea originated from the fact that more and more people from waiting lists are searching/asking for kidneys on social platforms like Facebook. The foundation therefore thinks it could be a wise idea to centralize this with a platform.

What do you think about this social issue? Is it fair to let donors pick their own people for donating an organ? Will it solve the issue of the stagnating number of new donors?

– http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/23284684/__Donor_kan_ontvanger_kiezen__.html

– http://www.nu.nl/binnenland/3919862/donoren-mogen-ontvanger-gaan-kiezen.html

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2 thoughts on “Who would you want to save?”

  1. Does the platform focus on the people who are not registered as a donor in the medical systems? I think it will be better if people take a physical examination first and register with the result to ensure the safety and facticity. And the security of personal information comes siganificant. I would suggest to make both the donors and waiters anonymous and only the core managers have access to the documents.
    I heard some news that a patient was waiting for the donated organs and her family found someone in the registered list. However the donor met some problem in her family and she could not donate for that girl. We could imagine how desperate the patient’s family were and what made it worse was that the family contacted the donor every day for nearly one week to beg her to do the favor. And then the donor got too much pressure of not saving a person and at last she got depression.
    It’s quite good to centralize them into one platform but they should be very careful with the way they operate it.

  2. I was wondering if the identity of the donors can be known by someone? Because if so, moral problems like people trying to get in touch with the possible donors and maybe offering some incentives in exchange might occur, which is illegal. However, maybe there can be a new way of doing so, such as those in need of organs are able to share his or her story to convince anonymous donors to help out. On the other hand, the donor and the person in need can’t actually contact directly but only through third parties. However, this should be managed carefully so that people won’t lie on it to attract contributors.

    Overall, this is quite an innovative and helpful idea, but I still think more work should be done and more condition should be evaluated before its launch.

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