Importance of an effective social media campaign




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A few weeks ago, I found this Infographic which makes it clear what the 9 common social media marketing mistakes are. This infographic from wants to prevent us from making this common mistakes.

SMBizInfographicEverything we learned in class can help us during our jobs or interships in the future. Using our social media and social networks minor in possible functions like marketing and pr can help us understand the best ways to design and implement a social media strategy. One of the highlights of this Infographic is definitely the fact that focusing on too many social media channels can damage your company.

Snapchat for example is a very popular and active service were users are able to send pictures to friends for a short period of time. This seems attractive for companies to increase awareness about your brand. I use snapchat a lot and I do follow some brands who post about their ‘product/service’ like Victoria Secret. They stand out for me because they are dedicated in increasing awareness about their product. If however your company is not dedicated to keeping this account up to date, this will not have any positive effects on your possible market. Business should make sure to only join those social media platforms which can help them interact with customers and increase awareness for new customers.

Oh and if you (with your business) were wondering about joining snapchat, here is a nice infographic to help you make that decision:

Snapchat-marketing1Keep this info in mind if you are managing or going to manage social media accounts for companies!



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