And the award goes to…




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Last week, I ran into an article about the 12 best Facebook Campaign from the past year. Thought I would share it with you, since it is a very good link to last weeks article “Is your social media strategy effective”. The article of the required readings discusses five success factors for a Facebook campaign; considering the photos, time and days of posting etc. Marketing on Facebook is growing rapidly. Facebook pulled in $12.5 billion in ad revenue in 2014, and mobile ad sales now makes up more than 70 percent of the business. Considering this, Facebook made awards for the best campaigns with categories looking at the creative content, social strategies, use of technology etc. Below I will discuss a few of my personal favourites.

In the article, The Ice Bucket Challenge, is crowned as the best use of Facebook Marketing the past year. In the campaign millions of people doused themselves in ice water to raise awareness for ALS. The result was 17 million videos from 160 countries, including Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah and Bill Gates. No money was spend on marketing, and the campaign raised $220 million. An example is shown below;

Another example, which is one of my favourites, is “Like a Girl” from the Always feminine-hygiene brand. Like you can see in the video below, people are asked to do certain things “Like a Girl”. The goals behind the video were to building awareness and drive an emotional connection to Always. The campaign was successful, the emotional connection rose from 38% to 41%. The video is the most watched video in Procter&Gamble history with 76 million views all over the world and the awareness rose extremely; from 9% to 58%.

Another winner, in the category “integrated” is “Love has no label” by AdCouncil. A large installation set up for public viewings showed people dancing, kissing, playing etc. After showing the interaction the people were revealed. The goal was to raise awareness. Love has no gender, love has no race, love has no disability, love has no age and love has no religion were statements presented by the makers of the campaign. The video has 40 million views in two days and is one of the most viral video’s in history.

The last example I will discuss is “New Castle band of Brands”. This video is very different from the other examples. In this campaign a beer company came up with a way to get into the Super Bowl without buying ad space. It crowd funded a commercial together with 30+ brands. The goal was to drive brand awareness, preference and purchase intent. The result was 2,3 billion total campaign impressions. The video is shown below;

Li, T. and Soonius, G. 2012. Is your social media strategy effective? An empirical study of the factors influencing the success of Facebook campaigns. Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronic Business, Orlando, FL, December.

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