Wikipedia hides drug scandal Dutch Royal family




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In 2003 there was a conference and the Dutch prime minister decided to refuse princess Mabel Wisse Smit to become a member of the royal family. At that time she was the fiancé of prince Johan Friso of Oranje-Nassau. The princess had had a liaison in her teenage years with a drug dealer Klaas Bruinsma. But she did not recognize any sexual relationship and lied about it as well.

Her Wikipedia page was also telling this story, but the Royal family was not a fan of that. So in January 2006 they decided to remove some words from the page and alter the story. In that way she would not make a bad appearance on Wikipedia.The page did not say anything about lies of the princess anymore. We still do not know who exactly altered the page, but the signal of the change came from a computer at ‘Huis ten Bosch’, the palace of the royal family. There was a lot of media attention on this topic and eventually the prince and princess had to face the fact that they had done something wrong. They publicly apologized, but did not change the alteration.

As we can see, false alteration or misleading information on Wikipedia is easy to create. Dutch people know about the situation of the princesses Wikipedia page, but if some one from outside the country visits Mabel Wisse Smits’s Wikipedia page, they will think that they are being informed right. Wikipedia is not that reliable as we think it is. Wikipedia can easily be manipulated and misused in a lot of ways. So you need to be sharp and do research, before you assume that you have the right and complete information about a subject.

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