Spaceship – Triple Digits Growth




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Spaceship is a company that delivers leads (emails, phone numbers, social links, etc.) to other businesses and helps them scale up their sales.

In June we managed to grow by 160.24% in 4 simple sequential steps:

  1. Analyzed our biggest customers and split them into target groups
    We first divided the companies by industry, size/revenue and location. Then we analyzed the decision maker and deep dived into their position, social media behavior and length of the sales cycle.
    We ended up having 18 different target groups. 3 examples can be found below:

    A. Industry A | USA | 50–500 employees >> targeting CMO’s who post about “innovation” 
    B. Industry B | UK | 500+ employees >> VP of Sales following X and Y on LinkedIn and/or Twitter
    C. Industry A | USA | 500+ employees >> Chief Revenue Officer currently hiring SDR’s

    2. Generated as many similar leads as possible
    Using our proprietary algorithms and lead generation methods, we started gathering similar contacts that fit the 18 different target groups.
    Each sales person had between 150-200 cold leads to approach daily.

    3.Contacted them through cold email campaigns
    What do we stress here? Keeping it short and relevant. The message should never be longer than 4-5 sentences.

  • Explain why you contact them (1-2 sentences)
    • Propose an offer, but don’t be salesy, rather try to open up a conversation
  • Build trust and show proof of relevance (2 sentences)
    • Case studies, mention some clients you’ve worked with
  • Ask for action (1 sentence)
    • Try to make the message as personal as possible – make the other person curious to find out more

We created a message per target group and used a tool to send as many emails as possible (e.g. Aweber, Connector).In the end cold emailing is also a numbers’ game.

  1. Follow up and close
    When we get into a conversation with a potential client — first thing we do is to offer value (i.e. sample, report, etc.). Second thing is to ask for feedback to see if it’s a fit. And last, we obviously try to seal the deal.


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