4 Growth Hacking Tools




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The best definition of this new fancy term of growth hacking comes from Wikipedia: “a process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels and product development to identify the most effective, efficient ways to grow a business.”

I would like to present some of the growth tools I am using:


This tool allows you to install different free apps on your website. It is relatively easy to use. The apps which can be installed on your website are:

  • Google Analytics – see live stats of your website straight on the page without accessing Analytics
  • Heat Maps – check where your website visitors are clicking or moving the cursor
  • Content Analytics – with this tool you would be able to check where your visitors stop reading
  • List Builder – create a popup window for increasing subscribions / sales on your website
  • etc. – Sumome is made of a variety of little cool apps


Don’t waste your time posting daily on Facebook or Twitter. Use Buffer to gather/ write 5, 10 or 20 posts. Then schedule your posts and let Buffer actually post for you on any social media channel you could think of. Like almost all growth hacking tools, it also provides you with insightful analytics on how well people engaged with your post.

Facebook Ads + videos

Facebook has got around 1.4 billion active users. There is a large pool of people posting pictures, reading articles and interacting with the content created by advertisers. The point is – there is a lot of action and many people use Facebook daily. Thus, there are many advertisers on Facebook that try to grasp users’ attention. Big companies and the majority of advertisers spend a huge amount of money to get people’s attention.

On the other hand there are other advertisers, that spend a minimum amount of money, but also get even better results. One such a method is to create a decent quality video, promote it using the ‘Get video views’ campaign and then create a conversion campaign using all the social proof (likes, video views, comments, shares) that you had gathered from the initial campaign. For even more effective results, the first campaign can be advertised in emerging countries (to get cheaper clicks / video views) while the conversion campaign can be launched in developed nations (to actually address to people that can afford buying your product).

If shown to the right audiences, a cost of $0.001 per video engagement can be easily achieved!

Adwords + Google Trends

You can find out how to be more discoverable and which keywords to use for Adwords campaings.Using Google Trends you can find out the competitiveness vs. the popularity of keywords.
Take this example. If you search on Google “growth hacking”, you will get 21.2 M results. If you then search “marketing automation”, keywords which are from the same area as the one before, you will get 34.5 M results.In this case, “growth hacking is” is much less competitive than “marketing automation”.But this does not tell you enough. Use this tool to also find out the popularity of the keywords you are trying to compare.


The graph will show you that the 2 keywords are equally popular.

The conclusion is that “growth hacking” is the clear winner since this term is less competitive and equally popular to “marketing automation”. This way you can easily compare keywords and use the less competitive but equally popular ones for your campaigns.

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