Uber planes




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Every day most of us travel on crowded streets to get on time at our jobs, schools, or other appointments. But in these days were everything happens fast, time is even more worthy than before. Traffic jams can be really nerve wracking in the early morning and are a waste of our time. Additionally the overall human population is only growing and growing, and the world becomes only more packed than ever. (United Nations Population Division, 2008)

The company UBER announced lately that it will start with the testing of self-driving cabs. But this innovative company could even do more!

Why should we do the same thing for years and years is what UBER’s Products Head Jeff Holden must have thought. At the Nantucket Project Conference last weekend he revealed his brilliant insightful technology for the future: Short-haul flying in cities with small planes that can vertically take off and land, also known as VTOL aircrafts. These little airplanes do not need a long runway like a traditional aircraft. Furthermore Jeff Holden came up with the idea that these airplanes could land upon buildings in congested cities, so no special runways have to be build. Therefore these VTOL aircrafts could be an ideal solution to avoid traffic jams in the future. (TNW, 2016)

The service should become a way cooler UberPool option, that many people could use together. But at this point you may be thinking, hey they offered helicopter services before right? Yes UBER did, however these were purely a big marketing effort and these helicopters are unrelated to their new VTOL aircrafts. (Recode, 2016)

Their prediction for the future is promising, since Jeff Holden is expecting that the new service could be offered within a decade. But before we all happily take off, the airspace regulations are hopefully considered. Since you might be faster, but when you collide it is an ever shorter trip.

Nantucket Project Conference, 2016
Recode, 2016
TNW, 2016
United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects, The 2008 Revision. (http://www.prb.org/Publications/Lesson-Plans/HumanPopulation/PopulationGrowth.aspx)

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2 thoughts on “Uber planes”

  1. Hi Jetta,

    Interesting to read your post! I did not hear about the plan of UBER and Jeff Holden to introduce this new service of the VTOL aircrafts. However, I would like to know a little bit more about these aircrafts.
    Since our environment, especially in the West, becomes more and more crowded, and the maximum is already requested from our infrastructure, I think the future demand for solutions like this one will increase. It is a good opportunity to utilize the available air space for transport, next to traditional transport via land. But if this becomes a public vehicle, what would be the traffic rules in the air? Is it a feasible solution?
    Besides, what is the carbon footprint of this ‘flying car’?

    I think I am just impressed by the idea and find it quite threatening, because it looks like one big drone or a kind of robot. I have to get used to the idea, but I do not think we can escape to these kind of future development. We will be named old-fashioned generation if we do not get used to it! Where is this going?

  2. Hi Jetta,

    Thank you for your interesting post on the blog. I also find the idea really fascinating and ground breaking. In addition, I have some remarks to add next to my other colleague’s thought.

    I also believe that the new way of private and public transport should be mainly in the airspace, underground and underwater in the near future due to the world’s increasing urbanization and the rising number of the its population. However, I only support these type of revolutionizing ideas and inventions if we can completely fit these ideas into our society without any violation of the law, ethics, and human rights.

    On the other hand, I do not really see if this idea is feasible right now for several reasons. As you have mentioned the regulations as well. I think that the airspace regulations for these kind of aircrafts should be standardized first. Then the prototyping and implementation could only start on the streets. For instance, airspace regulations for drones have not been clarified yet in most of the countries. Moreover, I am not sure if those aircrafts are not harmful for our environment. Are they using green energy? What about the sound and air pollution? In addition, I also believe that it will decrease people’ privacy as well. Those factors cannot be omitted when considering the legalisation of the project.

    Besides, I know that your post was about short-haul flying. However, I definitely recommend you to read this article about long-haul public transport underground (http://www.livescience.com/50936-hyperloop-test-track-california.html). The idea is about Elon Musk’s ultra-fast ‘hyper loop’ train between Los Angeles and San Francisco (400 miles) in 30 minutes.

    Lastly, I assume that these aircrafts will be only available in the near future for the privileged people. However, do you think that it will be commoditized in the long-term?

    What is your opinion about these aforementioned questions?

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