Mobility is going to enter the post-app era




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Mobile apps have been around for almost 20 years. At first, they were relatively difficult to find and download and therefore, mobile users did not bother to download them. However, when Apple launched their App Store, it kick started the app revolution. Today, it is hard to remember mobile software or apps prior to the iPhone.

Currently, a new phenomenon, called ‘post-app era’ is introduced in society. Rather than trying to keep people in apps and measure success based on the time spent in apps, companies now need to think about how to deliver experiences that mean users rarely need to open apps. The post-app era is pointing to an era where it is the experience that happens outside of the apps that is important. An interesting article related to this topic was posted today.

27/09/2016: At an event in South Africa, Gartner analysts look ahead to an era of mobility that goes beyond apps. As the convergence of devices, bots, things and people accelerates, businesses will need to learn how to excel at mainstream mobility, as well as prepare for a post-app era, according to analysts at Gartner. Speaking at a symposium in South Africa, Gartner vice-president and distinguished analyst David Willis laid out his version of a possible future for the mobile world.

Willis said although users would continue to use mobile apps, the overall importance of apps in terms of delivering services would begin to diminish in the next few years, and bots and virtual personal assistants (VPAs) will begin to replace some app functionality.

“The post-app era means that there will be more data and code in the cloud and less on the device, thanks to the continuous improvement of cellular network performance,” said Willis.
“The post-app era will be an evolving process through 2020 and beyond.

A driving force behind the move to models of mobility that are less reliant on apps will be the anticipated growth of the Internet of things (IoT), said Gartner.

Willis predicted with bring your own device (BYOD) and bring your own application (BYOA) becoming the norm for the majority of organizations, a new trend – predictably dubbed bring your own thing (BYOT) – will emerge, and it will help introduce some of these new interaction techniques and platforms that will dilute the need for dedicated apps.

I estimate that for now, an app or browser will stay the preferred mode of communication between an IoT device and smartphone. However the trend of BYOT and other emerging technologies will seriously challenge this mode. Think of automated login and authentication where natural language processing and integrated bots would open opportunities. Or what about enabling users to chat with organizations via bots instead of letting users go to a system and filling out complicated forms with checkboxes.

Do you think the models of mobility will change and enter the post-app era? Do you estimate BYOT to be the future norm? What will these trends mean for current app developers and the companies behind these apps?


ComputerWeekly. 2016. Mobility is about to enter the post-app era. [Online] available at: [Accessed September 27, 2016]

Mubaloo. 2016. Post-app era. [Online] available at: [Accessed September 27, 2016]

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