The Game Changing Real Estate Industry




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VR HeadsetLooking for the perfect house for you and your family is and will never be easy. Many choices and little time to visit applies here.  And even if the right house is found, how will your new home look after furnishing? A Virtual reality headset may be the solution here.

After a promise of VR on videogames, this technology is nowadays finding its place more and more in commercial applications. Using these headsets in military is nothing new. Soldiers can this way train in combat and other dangerous situations. Now it is time for the real estate industry.  A service from brokers that until recently seemed impossible is now on the front door. But how does it work? And is it really a gain?

The virtual reality headset gives the opportunity to view a house without really being there. It will not only show the house and rooms, but also give the viewer several options to furnish the whole house. This way, the client will get a glimpse of the house decorated with the potential furniture of their choice.  To make it even more ‘’real’’, the real estate agent can lead a virtual reality tour and see where the client is looking at and eventually address when necessary (Sisson, 2016).

All of this is time saving for both client and the broker.  Especially in the crowded cities. Visiting dozens of houses will at least take a few days considering the traffic. With the new headset a client can view 50 houses within a couple of hours and, this way, find the perfect home a lot sooner.

The turning point is the cost of making this all possible. To scan a house for the virtual presentation the cost will amount between $300 and $700. This means it is more suitable for high-end homes and so only the rich and famous people will utilize the service for now (Tracey, 2016).
However, looking to the technology development in the past 30 years, the virtual reality headsets will soon be decline in price and integrate in the brokerages world. In other words, what now seems like a luxury service will soon become a key sale tool.


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