Have you ever wondered what the house of the future will look like?




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Have you ever wondered what the house of the future will look like? Think about the smart technology we already have in our cars. If you’re low on gas, the indicator light switches on. If you’re short on oil, another indicator will tell you that you need to check your engine. All of this information helps keeping the car in good condition, and the driver safe.

Our homes still aren’t as technologically advanced as we wished but we certainly have already moved forward. Think about in-home stereo, programmable thermostats or the new Amazon Echo, a smart speaker device capable of voice interaction, music playback, setting alarms, streaming podcast and many other services.

What if you’d come home after work and just needed to push one button to adjust the lighting of your entire house. The lights go on in the kitchen, the living room, a few hallways, and that’s it, no need to touch your lights again (Future Tecnologies). Lots of movies today feature businesses and governmental agencies with facial recognition software in place. Possibly, we may be able to install this software in our own homes. If a stranger rings our doorbell, the system could then immediately run the person’s face against all the mug shots in criminal and terrorist databases (Future Technologies).

Furthermore future home entertainment systems will be much more advance. By combining augmented reality and virtual reality, movies and television will be more interactive than ever before. In fact, you’ll just have to think about what you want to see and it will become reality in a second. Future homes will also take advantage of future robots to do chores such as cleaning and organizing.  It is already happening now, Japanese engineers have developed robots that recognize human speech and respond to it or do specific tasks in the house.

Right now devices are not yet communicating with each other, but they are so many connected items and so many devices that once we manage to make them interact with our homes there will be many more benefits, more power and flexibility so that you can make your future home as organized and relaxing as you want.


Brad Stone, S. S. (2014, November 6). Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-11-06/amazon-echo-is-a-listening-talking-music-playing-speaker-for-your-home

McManus, M. R. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/future-tech/5-future-home-technologies6.htm

Orhan-Cileli, Y. T. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.futuretechnology500.com/index.php/future-homes/




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