VR: the next big thing after the Internet




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No day passes without new products and applications to be announced that have something to do with Virtual Reality. Spectacular devices, crowd funding initiatives, acquisitions for billions – Virtual Reality is now the center of attention.

Many people are very interested in the phenomenon of ‘ VR ‘ and therefore also like to speculate about the future. There is enough competition in the market. There are under more glasses of Oculus, Samsung, Valve/HTC and Sony PlayStation, but what will actually happen to the content for the VR glasses?

We already know the games that can be played with virtual glasses, mainly first person view shooters. Nowadays more and more Virtual Reality applications beyond the world of games are being developed, such as digital construction drawings for all types of infrastructures.

Meanwhile, there are already several examples where the VR glasses are applied. How about a ride in a real roller coaster but with a VR glasses on? In Amsterdam there is even a VR cinema where you can experience the latest movies in a virtual world.

Meanwhile, there are already several examples where the VR glasses are applied. How about a ride in a real roller coaster but with a VR glasses on? In Amsterdam there is even a VR cinema where you can experience the latest movies in a virtual world.

VR is a new standard for interactive entertainment. It was already there for games, but it is much more than that think of attending a football match or other sports competitions, concerts, theatre performances and events. But also feature films themselves are life-like, you can even watch from a cinema seat. The great thing is that you are in control of what happens: as carrier of the glasses you decide the image cropping and do you therefore feel that you yourself are on the spot. Especially when the sound also adjusts to your movements.

Virtual Reality is the media revolution of the next decade. As with any new technique it will have time to grow and make his way to the mainstream. However, some people are even convinced that Virtual Reality will about ten to fifteen years be just as large as the Internet is today.






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1 thought on “VR: the next big thing after the Internet”

  1. This is a very interesting topic concerning virtual reality. I have also written a blog concerning the same topic, if you are interested please feel free to check it out. I think the information in the above article is too general. Perhaps in addition to the above article, one could include the following ideas and suggestions:

    1: Make clear distinction between virtual reality and augmented reality. Although Oculus is the first company entering the virtual reality industry, other players have already done extensive research on augmented reality. These two type of technologies started their research and development roughly on a parallel timeline. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality do not aim to fully emerge the user into the digital device and environment. Instead it uses sensors and embrace digital elements into our real world items and objects. For example, one can use augmented reality device to look at GPS while driving a car. These two very different approaches obviously also targets different user groups and carries different functions. It very hard to us to foresee which technology will dominate over the other at this stage. Some examples of the current leaders in the augmented reality fields are Microsoft Hololens and Google Glass.

    2. More descriptions on the current virtual reality devices. We have many VR devices currently on the market. Starting with the cheapest of the bunch, google cardboard, to the most expensive and most advanced HTC Hive. Each VR device has its unique approach on the user experience of VR. Some focuses more on technical advancements as well as the immersion experience while some others focus more on the availability and affordability of the product. Take sony playstationVR for example, it is a much more affordable option in comparison with HTC Hive and it can use Playstation4 to operation.

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