Medical history of patients becomes digital in the Netherlands




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In short term, in the Netherlands it will become possible for patients to retrieve their medical history online. This plan is approved by authorities. The plan was made at fist in 2011, but was rejected. Now it is approved, It will become possible for patients too choose what doctors share the medical history of the patient with each other. Moreover, it must become possible for the patient to see who has seen their medical history.

At the moment it is already possible for a patient to get a medical history but in paper form. There already exist an electronic medical history that is exchanged by medici. For example a doctor and a pharmacist. Authorities want that patients have insight in and decide who may see his medical history. It is not mandatory for a patient to give permission.

Opponents are afraid of the privacy of the patients, because the digital medical history can be hacked or be seen by the wrong institutions. Opponents state that corporations can make use of the medical history for their own business. Moreover, doctors are afraid of their professional secrecy. At the moment they consider theirselves as protection mechanism of medical histories of patients. The law includes sanctions for medical insurance companies that will use the medical history for own benefits.

Proponents of the law are of the opinion that patients become more independent and that the exchange of information becomes better regulated.

When the law becomes enforced, medical institutions will have three years to adapt their computer systems. Medical insurance companies and doctors may not see their computer systems.

Representatives of medical institutions like KNMG, KNMP and LHV stated their doubts about the feasibility to get permission for the new law. They see too many privacy issues and impossible organizational changes.

Do you think the digital medical history is a good idea? Would you like to have all your information digital? Do you feel infringed in your privacy when your medical history is digital?

references (retrieved on 11/10/16 at 10.30) (retriever on 11/10/16 at 11.00) (retrieved on 11/10/16 at 11.15)

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1 thought on “Medical history of patients becomes digital in the Netherlands”

  1. Dear Eline, thank you for your blog. I had heard a little bit about it, but your blog made it a lot clearer. I think a large part of my medical history is already online. For example, with different health care insurances in the Netherlands, you can scan your medical bill, login with DigID, and upload the bill to get a refund. However, in that case, only the insurance can see the bill, not other doctors (I think). While I believe it is good for patients to have access to their medical history and to decide who gets to see it or not, but I agree that right now, there are unanswered questions. How will this affect our insurance? How will privacy be 1000% guaranteed? Is it indeed feasible? Also, why would a patient for example not want information exchanged between a doctor and a pharmacist?

    I do think that having our medical history online is the future, as everything is moving online. But I also think that the government shouldn’t rush the project, and allow itself time to implement the best and safest system possible.

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