Will Donald or Hillary handle the explosion of new innovations?




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Within a few weeks we know whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be elected as the new American President. A lot of opinions about the two are spread, which is in many cases a critique on both. Apparently, both of them have difficulties with telling the truth in the first debates. Approximately half of the facts Trump used in his debate were not true, which amazed me. How trustful are they?

Both of them have much experience in business or politics, but both of them are not grown up in a world like this. The question is, do they know what they are actually starting in a world and time in which the most significant technology expansions will take place. He or she must understand the new technologies and get the most benefit out of it for the United Stated, but for the rest of the world as well.

With the introduction of 5G internet, which will be rolled out in the next years, the world will change. Where earlier the technology industry focussed on connecting people with each other, 5G will begin connecting people with devices, and devices with other devices. This phenomenon is called the Internet of Things and exists already, but the upcoming years it will profoundly change the lives of many people.

Another innovation is the autonomous cars, which are also connected. The cars will deliver data, which helps to build smart cities. These innovations can cause a lot of trouble. Think of insurance companies with insurances for cars. Who is responsible when mistakes and damages appear? And what do you think of stopping hackers, when hacking becomes so easy? Data security will be more important then ever!

I have discussed two main problems for the upcoming years, but many more technology expansions will cause problems in society. Who would be the better president of US, Trump or Clinton? Eventually, the United States need a leader who understand how technology might help their constituents live better, more productive lives and craft the proper laws and rules to make that happen. I hope the US, as leader of the world, will handle this problem well and chose the right person as their president.

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